The Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative

Pandemic Preparedness Planning

Below, please find the different products and resources developed as part of the Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP FY20) Pandemic Preparedness Project:

Pandemic Crisis Communication Toolkit

Pandemic Crisis Communications Toolkit is temporarily not accessible as the site is migrating into a new multi-hazard platform named the “Crisis Communication Toolkit”

The Pandemic Crisis Communications Toolkit is an interactive, searchable website-based resource for Public Information Officers (PIOs) in the 14 Bay Area jurisdictions. Its purpose is to assist jurisdictions in developing pandemic crisis communications in preparedness, response, and recovery phases. For additional resources on emergency public information and warning click here.

Please click on the following link to access the video recording of the Pandemic Crisis Communication Toolkit. You can also access the training presentation slides here.

Regionwide COVID-19 AAR (PDF)

The Regionwide COVID-19 AAR focuses on major trends and recommendations noted by multiple stakeholders to assist in identifying regional actions that are feasible and will have maximum impact on future emergency responses. The document also informs specific regional priorities for future consideration and advocacy.

Regional Pandemic Preparedness Framework (PDF)

The Pandemic Preparedness Framework represents a collaboratively developed path for pandemic preparedness across the Bay Area. This Framework is intended to assist local jurisdictions in updating or preparing local plans related to pandemic protection, preparedness, response, and recovery. It leverages the Regionwide COVID-19 AAR to include the lessons learned, best practices, and recommendations.

Access the attachments to the framework here.

Updated California Region II Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Guide
The MAC Guide was developed as part of a large-scale regional effort to consolidate and coordinate medical and health (M/H) emergency management activities throughout California Mutual Aid Region II. In the summer of 2022, the update of this guide was undertaken which included a comprehensive review process with stakeholders as well as a workshop to test and validate the document. The California Region II Medical and Health MAC Guide was approved by ABAHO on March 28, 2023. Since this document is classified as For Official Use Only (FOUO) it is available upon request to ABAHO (

Scarce Resource Decision Making Tool
The Scarce Resource Decision-Making Tool represents the compilation of experiences, lessons learned, and best practices from regional jurisdictions to be used to mitigate the impact of scarce resources in future pandemics. The Tool maps out the flow of scarce resource requests during pandemics both internally and externally. The visualizations of these processes highlight key decision points followed by details of information needed and options to satisfy the request. The Scarce Resource Decision-Making Tool and its annexes can be accessed here.

More catastrophic planning resources are available in the UASI Resource Library.